Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Philosophy of dance: Kai Beng

1. 我喜欢舞蹈的最主要原因是因为,在舞蹈的世界里是没有对手的;唯有你与镜子中的自己。

The main reason why I love “dance” so much is because, in the world of “dance”; there is no “Competitor”, but just you and yourself in the mirror.

2. 舞蹈与音乐是一种人的精神与肉体的对话方式;也是一种人与人的精神交流管道,因此舞蹈与音乐是不分种族,肤色,宗教与任何差异的。更绝对不是一种政治的手段。

Dance and music is a dialogue between human spirits and body; a channel of spirituals communication for human bring. There for dance and music, regardless of race, color, religion and any differences. More is definitely not a political tool.


Tracy Chan said...

Congratulation dear for having your own personal blog now..
We can load all the videos here as for sharing with everyone who loves dancing :-)

Keep on Dancing!! Cheers!

Kai Beng Love to Dance said...

Thanks dd, but this isn't my personal blog. Is it our blog.. :-)
